Monday, March 26, 2012


Okay, so on Wednesday my youth pastor shared his testimony with us. So I’m not going to repeat it, but it really got me thinking; Joe has strong faith that came through trials. God had to knock him on his back to get him to listen. Me, my testimony is simple, I was saved around age 10 at a Vacation Bible School put on by my church. I was ten! I didn’t have a big mess of sins to confess, I didn’t have any ungodly behavior to change. I was brought up in a Christian house with two Christian parents. My chances to mess up my life at ten were absolutely none. As I got older, I began to think that God hadn’t accepted me because I didn’t really change that much on the outside. Even before I was saved I was a good little Christian girl. Not many people could see a change in me. The change was all inside my heart. I know 100% I’m saved by God’s grace and I’m proud of that, and yet I’m in no way perfect. Because of my long Christian background, I have a fairly large comfort zone. That’s my daily battle, that’s where I fall short, I live in my comfort zone. I don’t have to avoid the temptation to curse, or drink, or smoke. No, those are things I may never struggle with, but every day I have to fight myself out of my large comfort zone, because although I have seen God use me in my comfort zone, I think God could use me a lot more if I was willing to step out from under my warm dry umbrella and into the rain.

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